Mr Stix and Peanut

Children’s entertainment for events and occasions

When it comes to events and celebrations, children’s entertainment should not be overlooked. After all, if the children are happy, their grown ups will be happy too. Mr Stix is a professional children’s entertainer, who has won the Children’s Entertainer of the Year Award. He provides fun and laughter to all kinds of children’s parties and events across the North West region. As a result, this is an expert guide to children’s entertainment for events and occasions.

Children and events and occasions

Everyone wants the children to be able to take part in events and occasions, especially family celebrations like weddings and birthdays, but not everyone plans to cater for them. This can be a big mistake. We all know that when children get bored, they tend to misbehave. This can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to the event you have been planning for months. As a result, you should hire a children’s entertainer.

With different levels of entertainment, aimed at different age groups, Mr Stix is the perfect candidate to provide the children’s entertainment. Whether you book a 1 hour, 2 hour, or even 4 hour slot, the children at your party will be engaged and interested throughout the duration of the entertainment.

Designated children’s zone

On top of providing a children’s entertainer to break up the day or night for the youngsters, you can also provide a designated children’s area. This could be kitted out with some board games, colouring activities, or lego toys, to help the children stay amused. It might also help if there is a socket nearby for charging their hand held games and devices they no doubt brought with them. As a result, the children will be less likely to get bored, and get under the adults feet. So everyone can relax and have fun.

For more information or advice, or to book a fantastic children’s entertainer, get in touch with Mr Stix today.