Mr Stix balloon modelling

Children’s entertainment for under 4’s

If you have a child that is pre-school age, or under 4, you’ll know how hard it is to plan their birthday or entertainment for an event. In most cases, children’s entertainment is pitched at an older age group, and does not keep the under 4’s interested at all. However, Mr Stix is an award winning children’s entertainer, and he works across Lancashire to provide a range of children’s entertainment services. From balloon modelling at store openings, to providing on stage shows at holiday camps, Mr Stix has experience in the whole range of entertainment. And this includes children’s birthday parties and group events. But what about children;s entertainment for the pre-school category, or the under 4’s? Well Mr Stix can provide that too. This is our guide to children’s entertainment for under 4’s.

The Under 4’s Show

Mr Stix and the team have a show specifically designed for the under 4’s. This has been tried and tested and is perfect for the whole range of occasions. From family events like weddings and christenings, to birthday parties, and even nursery and pre-school parties, the under 4’s show can be the perfect fit.

Lasting for 45 minutes, the under 4’s show is aimed directly at the younger children, and will keep them laughing, engaged and joining in the whole way through. Mr Stix will use a variety of colourful magic, music, and singing, all of which the children will invited to join in with. In fact, the children will have the chance to become a magician themselves! And with some plate spinning and balloon modelling too, the children will be captivated.

Presented in a soft and warm manner, the under 4’s show is all about providing entertainment for a very young age group, with very different needs to those of an older age range.

For more information, or to book get in touch today, here at Mr Stix.