Halloween party game ideas for children

Mr Stix is an award winning children’s entertainer, who provides fun and laughter to events across the North West. From Liverpool to Manchester, and everywhere in between. And what could be a better excuse to hold a children’s party than Halloween? With spooky games, creepy costumes and themed food, Halloween parties can be a lot of fun. For the children invited, and the adult hosts. But to make your party a success, you’ll need some quality party games. As a result, we have produced this guide to Halloween party game ideas.

Halloween party game ideas

All children’s parties need party games. And a Halloween party is no exception! Here are some top Halloween party game ideas:

  • Zombie limbo- we all know limbo is tricky at the best of times. But while trying to do your best zombie impression? That’s impossible! Test your young guests skill and flexibility with this silly Halloween themed twist. Make sure you use a Halloween themed song to inspire their best zombie poses.
  • Werewolf howl- This one is a little noisy. So if you or a guest have sensitive ears, it might not be the right fit. But it is a lot of fun. Similar to musical statues, this game requires a couple of adult volunteers. The idea is that as soon as the music stops, the children have to hold their best werewolf pose and howl towards the (cardboard cut out) moon. The tricky thing is, the moon is always on the move. Held up by one of your volunteers. So the children need to keep focused on where the moon is, ready to give their best howls. The slowest to react is out, and the winner is discovered by elimination.
  • Witches cauldron- for smaller groups, this game is perfect. The children sit round in a circle, rolling a dice. Whoever gets a 6 gets to put on a blindfold, and find a treat in the witches cauldron. The twist is that the cauldron is full of spaghetti that has been covered in food colouring, as well as a few treats! The squelchy feel will deliver a variety of hilarious responses too.

For more information, or for professional children’s entertainment for your Halloween party, get in touch with Mr Stix today.