Planning a Christmas party for older children

When it comes to Christmas, younger children are still excited and captivated by the magic of Christmas. For a lot of older children, over the age of 8, the magic has started to wear thin. So how do you get these children interested and enthusiastic about your Christmas event. Well, Mr Stix is an award winning children’s entertainer, with a wealth of experience entertaining children of all different ages. This includes older children. And these are his tips for planning a Christmas party for older children.

Planning a Christmas party for older children

To make sure your event is a success, you should consider:

  • Hiring a professional children’s entertainer- trained and experienced, a professional childrens entertainer will be able to read a room, and deliver results based on the responses of the audience. Instead of just sticking to script, a professional entertainer will be flexible and adaptable to keep older children guessing, and involved, throughout the show.
  • Keep things age appropriate- dont try and bring the level of the party down by inviting Santa or following more childish traditions. Older children feel more grown up than youngsters, and they want to be treated as such.
  • Games and fun- keep the children active throughout the event. Bored children are more likely to cause disruptions and get into trouble, and the best way to keep them entertained, is to keep them active. Games and activities can be a great option for children of this age. Why not try Winter Olympics style team games, with fun games the children can compete against each other with?
  • Disco- another great idea for children of this age is to host a Christmas disco. This gives the children just a little bit more independence to talk to each other, and dance to their favourite music. Combine this with quality entertainment, and fun games, and your childrens party will be incredibly successful.

For more information or to book professional entertainment, get in touch with Mr Stix today.